How to sign up:
1. Click JOIN NOW.
3. Click OKAY, twice.
4. Confirm information, add any additional needed info.
5. That's it, you're all signed up. Now watch the video below to see what's next and how to use the BzzAgent website.
Starting off:
Now you are all signed up for BzzAgent, let me show you around their website. I try to be quick yet through, there is a lot to their site. If you have further questions feel free to ask me or check out their help section. It is really helpful too!
Accepting a mission:
Woo hoo, you finally got the email you've been waiting for. You are approved for a BzzCampaign.
Always leave a disclaimer on all your reviews that you got it free (if free) or at a discount (even if you paid only a penny) in exchange for your honest unbiased opinion. You can write it out however you want to, but it needs to be clearly stated, not in the middle of the review, best practice it the last sentence in it's own paragraph. It's not just the right thing to do it is regulated by the FTC for reviewers to disclose.
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